How to be a Spirit-Anointed Teacher
They were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. (Mark 1:22)
I sat, riveted in my seat, eager to hear the next words from my teacher’s lips. He was painting a story. I was engrossed in it. It was so true to life, so true to my life, I could see myself actually living it. I could feel myself being changed as my life melded to the story, and the story unfolded with me as a participant.
I want to be that kind of teacher, all the time. Can this skill be taught? Can it be learned? Absolutely, and we are ready to teach it to you. I am passionate to share these wonderful, simple principles of Spirit-anointed teaching with you.
EVERYONE TEACHES: Parents, Pastors, Counselors…
The principles of Spirit-anointed teaching can be understood, practiced and mastered by everyone. Become a better communicator by honoring these key principles and watch your relationship with your children and your spouse improve, as well as with your co-workers and friends. Sensing another’s heart, and speaking heart to heart, meeting that need as you draw upon wisdom given by the Holy Spirit, is a skill we all want and need.
Don’t I just teach using the same methods my instructors did?
I guess that depends on how much you enjoyed their methods. The preaching at the church I grew up in was so boring that I fell asleep during most sermons. We attended because we had to. Same went for public school. Outside of a couple of amazing teachers, who did make the class-times incredibly interesting, most of the time I was bored silly as I was pressured to memorize information to recite on tests.
I left high school and would never have gone to college if I hadn’t recently been saved, and wanted to receive an outstanding Bible education. So I signed up for four more years of school. I had a couple of wonderful professors who riveted my attention and captured my heart, and the rest bored me to tears, with lists of things to memorize and replicate on tests.
Our Gospel of John professor was amazing. He made the Bible stories come alive by vividly painting the scenes as they would have unfolded in Israel, complete with the attitudes of the Pharisees, the attitudes of the crowds, and the attitudes of the Romans. We were there. We lived it. I had never experienced that kind of instruction before. Wow!
I began teaching at age 15
At age 15, even though I had only been saved a few months, I was allowed to teach the 5 and 6 year old children. I think they felt I couldn’t do too much damage with the 3 or 4 kids I had!
In college I worked as a youth pastor in a Wesleyan church of about 125 members. We worked hard at trying to make every session relevant and meaningful to the kids’ issues and lives and the Lord blessed our efforts as our special events often drew more than 100 teens.
Principle One – Meet Them Where They Are
Jesus met real life needs as He taught, preached and healed. He taught a lot about money, faith, forgiveness, and what true righteousness is all about and how it differs from simply cleaning up the outside.
Whenever I prepare, I always begin with the question, “Lord, where are they at? What do they need to take a step forward in their life today?” This makes all teaching completely relevant to life’s needs. No esoteric theology here. Just learning how to love, heal, believe, live in faith, and overcome the adversary.
Principle Two – Know the Goal of Instruction
Obviously it is to learn information, right? Nope! The goal of instruction is clearly stated: “The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” (I Timothy 1:5). Those are all heart realities! They don’t focus on the mind at all. They focus on the heart! Pretty unbelievable, until I finally grasped that everything is about the condition of one’s heart. What we believe for in our hearts is what we end up experiencing, simply because faith works (Matt. 9:29).
Our ability to minister healing is based on our ability to feel compassion (Matt. 14:14). Creativity flows from the heart. Evil flows from the heart. Out of the heart flow the issues of life (Prov. 4:23). Christ dwells in my heart (Eph. 3:17). All nine manifestations of the Holy Spirit as well as the nine fruit of the Spirit come from the Spirit who resides in my heart (1 Cor. 12:7-11; Gal. 5:22-25). The flesh profits nothing, only the Spirit (Jn. 6:63).
So perhaps focusing on the heart, and hearing and obeying God’s voice within our heart, is what will grant us the ability to succeed and prosper in life (Deut. 28:1-14 KJV).
Principle Three – Let the Spirit Rule
I always prepare by asking, “Lord, what do You want to speak to these people in this session?” I tune to flow. He tells me, and THAT is the key message I communicate during our time together, either through my delivery, or through questions and answers and guided interaction of the students.
We ride the wave of the Spirit during the session. We always begin by praying and asking the Spirit to speak to us, and we open our hearts and our spirits to what He wants to say and do. How many times does this simple prayer get missed before a worship or teaching or preaching service?
Principle Four – Personal Knowledge
Scripturally speaking, knowing means personally experiencing a revelation on the heart level, gaining insight, choosing to honor and obey the principle being learned, and asking the Holy Spirit to empower us to live it. Then we practice the new skill, under the anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we report back to the group how it went.
What worked? What didn’t? Where did I get stuck? Where did I experience victory and transformation? My testimony inspires others in the group. My questions help everyone clarify the issues in their own minds. We answer our questions together. It doesn’t need to only be me, the instructor, who answers the question. I can reflect the question out to the group and ask what they have found and experienced that resolved the issue. If I ask for their experience, then I don’t want their theology. I want their experience. So I keep things on track by carefully phrasing my questions, and then requiring adherence to the question on the floor.
I know where the Spirit wants to take us. I know what He wants to reveal. It can come from the hearts of the students. Can I draw it out of them? It sure is more fun to get truth that way than through a lecture!
Principle Five – No Silver Platters Allowed – Make Them Search Out the Answer
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out (Prov. 25:2). Don’t you agree that something you searched for and found yourself is so much more life-changing than something a person told you? So I will assign verses, and say, “Meditate on these Scriptures and come back and share what God says to you concerning them. How is He asking you to apply them in your life, and how are you living them out?”
Then in our next gathering, students share revelations one with another. They are not just talking off the top of their heads and sharing ignorance, because they have spent a week reflecting on the issue under the illumination of the Holy Spirit. They are not getting a boring lecture. They are sharing revelations and how they are implementing them in their own lives.
The skills we learn as teachers include: the skill of asking wise questions, drawing shy students out, curtailing loud and rambunctious students, and keeping the classroom discussion moving in a flow of Spirit life. The more I practice doing this, the better I become.
What More Will I Learn in This Training Module?
The two books you meditate on throughout this course contain forty-three chapters of principles concerning ministering Spirit life. You will be amazed by what you discover!
Pilate wanted to know “WHAT is truth?” (Jn. 18:37,38). Jesus had already given the answer: “I AM TRUTH” (Jn. 14:6). Truth is not a what. Truth is a Person, and if we want to know Truth we must encounter that Person heart to heart.
Some of the things you will learn include:
1. How does the Bible say we discover truth?
2. Practically speaking, how do we “reason together with God” (Isa. 1:18)?
3. What are the roles of the mind, the heart, and teaching in discovering truth?
4. How can I utilize whole-brain learning plus include the heart?
5. How can I inwardly posture myself so I teach with emotion, passion and anointing?
6. What is the place of story in the learning process?
7. How do I allow the Holy Spirit to be the primary Teacher?
8. What is the balance between personal encounter and biblical literalism?
9. How do I receive the modern day prophets’ messages and not “stone” them?
10. How does the set up of my room encourage Spirit-anointed interaction?
Spirit-Anointed Teaching Session 1
Spirit-Anointed Teaching Session 2
Spirit-Anointed Teaching Session 3